church spring 


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Every Sunday


Worship begins at 10am

 (Masks are optional)



Online Worship 

To watch our Online Worship, please click this link to access our church's Facebook* page:


Sunday Worship Service


For this week's worship bulletin, See the Weekly Wrap

*You do not need an active Facebook account to view the service.


Alexandria First

Presbyterian Church

Narrative Budget - 2024



  Gathered in Gods Grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we joyfully worship, prayerfully seek and gratefully share as a loving family growing in Jesus Christ.


             Every year the Stewardship & Finance Team carefully and thoughtfully produces a planned operating budget that is then reviewed and adopted by the Session. The annual budget is prepared with a great deal of analysis, consultation, and prayer.The budget lists the church’s income and expenses in detail.That line-item budget shows our funds and costs for the work God calls us to do and provides the financial structure for our treasurer, to responsibly manage and faithfully track those figures.

            This year we are trying something different. Instead of a traditional line-item budget, what you hold in your hand now is an illustrated “Narrative Budget.” It is our hope that this narrative budget will add to your understanding of the church’s work and finances. It describes the same income and expenses, but it also highlightsouractivitiesandaccomplishments andshowshow ourincome is gathered and spent across the five areas of the work of AFPC:

    • Inspiring Worship
    • Engaged Discipleship
    • Nurturing Relationships
    • Transforming Mission
    • FaithfulStewardship


           May this budget both inspire and encourage your continued involvement and generosity for our future together doing God’s work.


Click this link to view the AFPC Narrative Budget - 2024




Matthew 25


  In Fall of 2022 Session adopted the Matthew 25 Initiative and voted to become a Matthew 25 Church.  This invitation focuses on the parable of the sheep and goats in which Jesus makes clear, that what we do matters to God and how we treat others is important to God. To learn more about this initiative, please click on the link below.  For questions, please contact any elder, or member of your Mission Team.  Please stay tuned for updates and activities to participate in as we journey forth in this important work.   


Matthew 25 Info Click Here


matthew 25











Alexandria First Presbyterian Church

of Mount Pleasant

Alexandria First Presbyterian Church

141 Little York-Mount Pleasant Road

Milford, New Jersey


© 2024 Alexandria First Presbyterian Church
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