The ministry of deacon is set forth in Scripture as one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. Their ministry is under the supervision and authority of the session. (G-2.0201, G-2.0202, Book of Order)
Our Board of Deacons serves the church in many ways. Every Sunday a new Deacon of the Week coordinates the needs and concerns of the congregation. Once a month the deacons prepare the elements for communion and assist in serving them to the congregation. On an ongoing basis, the deacons send cards to the sick, visit our shut-ins, provide meals to those who are ill or have a new baby, monitor and maintain the food pantry, sponsor an annual plant sale, serve on a church ministry team, oversee the Prayer Ministry, coordinate a Christmas service project, send care packages to our military personnel, and remember our college freshmen with cards and packages. They are a devoted group of Christians who stand ready to assist you.
Please feel free to contact the deacons for support. Inquiries may be directed to the Deacon of the Week whose name appears in the Sunday bulletin or you may speak confidentiality with Reverend Nick Hatch.
To contact the Prayer Ministry, you may send an email to or contact the Deacon of the Week.