141 Little York - Mt. Pleasant Road • Milford, NJ 08848


Stewardship and Finance

On-line giving is now available! This is the link. You can use a credit or debit card, or link a donation with your checking or savings account. If you need help or have questions, please contact one of the team members listed below.
As mentioned in previous updates, we are trying to limit expenses as well as increase giving to maintain a balanced budget. Here are a few of the tasks that Session has approved and the Buildings and Property Team are pursuing:

  • Replacement of the windows in the Sunday school addition: Old windows are single pane and let air in. Payback within two years on heating and A/C costs.
  • Replace all lighting fixtures except in the sanctuary: Payback within one year with electricity cost savings.
  • Replace three thermostats with daily programmable thermostats: Payback in three months by a reduction in fuel oil usage.

The Stewardship and Finance Team

The Stewardship and Finance team provides leadership for our annual stewardship program, coordinates the establishment of a churchwide budget, monitors the overall finances of the church, coordinates with the local and general mission treasurers, oversees the financial recording secretary and assistants, and keeps the congregation up to date on all giving and financial matters.