141 Little York - Mt. Pleasant Road • Milford, NJ 08848


Worship and Music Committee

Click for information on our worship services

The Worship and Music Ministry Team oversees and encourages the public and personal worship of God, including worship on Sundays as well as during special services. They ensure that the church provides worship opportunities and music programs that meet the spiritual needs and contribute to the spiritual development of the congregation, both as individuals and as a community of faith. They undertake a variety of activities that fulfill their mission of working with, assisting, and supporting the pastor and music director.

From helping to plan the yearly worship calendar to assuring Sunday’s hymn numbers are properly displayed, the Worship and Music Team provides vital support for all facets of worship. They:

  • Assist in administering the Sacraments of baptism and communion
    Schedule elders and deacons to serve communion
  • Arrange for worship assistants
  • Recruit, train, and schedule ushers, greeters, and lay readers during worship services in accordance with the needs of each service
  • Ensure an adequate supply of hymnals, Bibles, and other worship and music resources are readily accessible
  • Maintain the sound system and recording devices
  • Regularly schedule tuning and maintenance of the pipe organ and pianos
  • Support the director of music ministry and the three choirs
  • Provide seasonal decorations in the sanctuary
  • Coordinate the annual Christmas and Good Friday concerts
  • Assure the pews are tidy and the pew rack materials are up to date
  • Change the liturgical bookmarks and maintain the communion table candles
  • Arrange for ashes, palms, candles, Advent wreaths, and other service-related supplies
  • Oversee the flower ministry which provides beautiful arrangements each Sunday in the sanctuary
  • Assist in securing musicians for the summer Special Music Program